Monday, June 6, 2011

Weight loss

Although weight loss isn't my only/main goal in this process, it's definitely a plus.

I had a really weird weight situation during my pregnancy. I was so sick for the first 26 weeks that I ended up losing 20 lbs instead of gaining any weight. After 26 weeks I managed to gain back the weight plus an additional 20lbs (Zoe was also overdue by 2 weeks so I kept gaining after my due date). I was able to lose those 20 lbs within the first 6 days postpartum but I still had/have a long way to go.

I weighed myself this morning and since deciding to life a healthier life (a little over a month ago) I am 14 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight! Yay! Before I got pregnant I weighed the most that I ever have in my life, 174 lbs, and I am now down to 160 :) One more pound and I will be in the 150's which will feel amazing. For my height I've read that a good goal weight for my body would be about 128 so that's what I'm shooting for.

As a weight loss tip, which I'm sure you already know, remember to weigh yourself at the same time every day. I have been weighing myself 1st thing in the morning before eating anything which has worked out great.

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