Hey everyone! My name is Nyki and this blog is about my transition into a healthier life.
I gave birth to my daughter 12 1/2 weeks ago and decided at around 5 weeks postpartum that I really needed to make some changes in my life. I had been watching a lot of The Biggest Loser during and after my pregnancy and it was really inspiring and redemptive watching a show where people were given a second chance at life. At first these people just wanted to look better, but as the show went on they realized that a healthy lifestyle was more than just looking good, it was about being stronger, feeling better, and being able to be there more for their friends and family. As I watched them transform into people who were unrecognizable my view on "dieting" changed dramatically. I have always gone on "health kicks" where I am extreme with my diet and exercise and then quickly burn out because that lifestyle isn't maintainable. This has always been unsuccessful and has left me with the idea/lie stuck in my head that I will never be able to be a fit, healthy person.
A little over a month ago I decided that I needed to make a change in my life instead of just going on a diet. I want to be better for myself, a better wife to my husband, and a better mom for my daughter. I want to be able to chase her around while she's a kid, teach her how to be healthy growing up, and equip her to be a healthy adult some day.
For the last month a friend and I did the 30 Day Shred workout every day. We just finished on the 31st of May. It was hard but it was a really great work out. It's a 25 minute (I believe) workout, so it was perfect to do with a newborn at home. I could just put her in her down for a short nap and do the work out. I didn't measure before starting (I recommend that you do) but I did lose 12-13lbs over the month, which is great. Since ending the 30 Day Shred we have been running to prepare for the Pioneer Days 5k that we're running on June 11th. My only goal is to finish all 3.1 miles without walking.
I gave birth to my daughter 12 1/2 weeks ago and decided at around 5 weeks postpartum that I really needed to make some changes in my life. I had been watching a lot of The Biggest Loser during and after my pregnancy and it was really inspiring and redemptive watching a show where people were given a second chance at life. At first these people just wanted to look better, but as the show went on they realized that a healthy lifestyle was more than just looking good, it was about being stronger, feeling better, and being able to be there more for their friends and family. As I watched them transform into people who were unrecognizable my view on "dieting" changed dramatically. I have always gone on "health kicks" where I am extreme with my diet and exercise and then quickly burn out because that lifestyle isn't maintainable. This has always been unsuccessful and has left me with the idea/lie stuck in my head that I will never be able to be a fit, healthy person.
A little over a month ago I decided that I needed to make a change in my life instead of just going on a diet. I want to be better for myself, a better wife to my husband, and a better mom for my daughter. I want to be able to chase her around while she's a kid, teach her how to be healthy growing up, and equip her to be a healthy adult some day.
For the last month a friend and I did the 30 Day Shred workout every day. We just finished on the 31st of May. It was hard but it was a really great work out. It's a 25 minute (I believe) workout, so it was perfect to do with a newborn at home. I could just put her in her down for a short nap and do the work out. I didn't measure before starting (I recommend that you do) but I did lose 12-13lbs over the month, which is great. Since ending the 30 Day Shred we have been running to prepare for the Pioneer Days 5k that we're running on June 11th. My only goal is to finish all 3.1 miles without walking.

Eating has probably been the biggest change for me. I went from eating everything in sight to eating a more appropriate amount of calories. Most days I average about 1600 while still feeling full. I have been having a lot of fun figuring out healthy food options and how to find healthier alternatives for tastes that I like. As I continue this blog I'll share some of my finds!
I think this blog will be about my journey into a healthier lifestyle as a whole. I plan to include healthy food ideas, my exercising, stories about my life, spirituality and my thoughts about the process. I hope you enjoy but if you don't, that's ok. This is more for me than anyone else!
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