This video has been pretty similar to the Shred so far. It's another circuit workout, which means that you do 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, and one minute of abs, three times through (with a warm up and cool down). The work outs are 24 minutes long and one difference with this video is that there are 4 levels instead of three. They are broken up into weeks, with week 4 being called "Madness" (which makes me shiver a little). This video seems a little bit more difficult than the Shred so we didn't skip ahead to higher levels, we started off on week 1. Today will be day 7, meaning that tomorrow we will move on to week 2. It definitely makes you sweat but it's only 24 minutes so it's completely do able. If you click here it will take you to Amazon where this video is about $10. Also, if you have Netflix and don't need the DVD portion for the next month, you can get this DVD through Netflix too.
I would recommend that you all incorporate some sort of circuit training into your workouts. I recently learned that the difference in circuit training is that it kicks up your metabolism, which causes you to keep burning more calories through the day when you're not working out. This is why a 24 minute video can make such a big difference in your looks and health.
So I started Ripped in 30 at 159 lbs. I just weighed myself after 6 days of working out (8 days total) and I am now 155! It's been so awesome to watch that number drop. I'm starting to slowly lose that hopeless feeling that I've always had regarding my weight. It can be done!
PLEASE READ: I just want to throw it out there that I am breastfeeding, and that makes a difference in my weight loss. By just feeding my baby I'm burning about an extra 500 calories a day. If you're not nursing a baby right now you're not getting this advantage so please don't compare your weight loss to mine, it's not fair. You can lose weight though, and you will if you just stick to it!